If a company makes loans to its employees (including directors) there may be tax consequences. The same may also apply to loans extended to their family members. For example, the employer will have an obligation to report a beneficial loan to HMRC (and pay Class 1A NIC) and the deemed benefit would be a taxable […]
The 31 January has past and we are out of the EU. But what difference does this make and what is the transition period? The word “transition” is defined as: A change from one to another or the process by which this happens… Essentially, until 31 December 2020 – when the transition period ends – […]
1 January 2020 – Due date for Corporation Tax due for the year ended 31 March 2019. 19 January 2020 – PAYE and NIC deductions due for month ended 5 January 2020. (If you pay your tax electronically the due date is 22 January 2020) 19 January 2020 – Filing deadline for the CIS300 monthly […]
Now that we are approaching the end of the 2019-20 tax year it’s worth noting that you are required to keep your self-employed business records – that underpin your self-assessment tax return for 2019-20 – for 5 years after the 31 January 2021 submission deadline. This means that you will need to retain your 2019-20 […]
It is fairly common knowledge that the UK tax system is biased in favour of married couples or those partners who have entered into a formal civil partnership. Note that from 2 December 2019, the Civil Partnership (Opposite Sex Couples) Regulations 2019 came into effect in England and Wales allowing opposite sex couples to enter […]
The end of the calendar year is a popular accounting date for many businesses, but for those of us with a year-end accounting date of 31 March 2020, reviewing your management accounts for the nine months to the end of December 2019 is a must-do. Please use the following notes as a check list when […]
Even though many of the uncertainties that have plagued UK politics during 2019 are still to be decided, at least the hiatus in parliament has been resolved; the Conservatives now have a working majority and we can expect action on a number of fronts. Brexit Business readers with any sort of trading platform with the […]
There are certain assets that may be carried on your balance sheet at values higher than their market value or past their sell by date. If so, and if these amounts are written-off against your profits, you will pay less tax. Three possibilities are sketched out below: Stock Businesses that accumulate stocks of goods do […]
At the end of this week, 31 January, the UK is leaving the EU. In actuality, we are entering the “transition” period during which we will need to negotiate our ongoing terms of trade with the EU. This transition period is due to end 31 December 2020. In the meantime, back at the coal-face, what […]
Paying VAT should never reduce your business profits as you are acting as an unpaid tax collector for HMRC: the VAT added to your sales (less any VAT paid on your purchases) is simply collected from your customers (less amounts paid to suppliers) and the difference paid to HMRC. But if my customers are registered […]